Each tooth is related to an acupuncture meridian which is related to various organs, tissues and glands in the body on this particular meridian “energy highway.” This connection is so apparent that an experienced dentist can often assess your overall health and wellness by reviewing your dental condition. If a person has a weak internal organ, the condition of the associated meridian tooth could make it considerably more problematic.

Below is a chart showing the Meridian Tooth Chart and click here to view a great video showing how the Meridian Tooth Chart works.

Image of Meridian Tooth Chart

Tooth Meridian Chart FAQ:

What is the tooth meridian chart?

a. It is a unique tool that breaks down the connection between specific teeth and various organs and body systems, based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture. It is based on the energetic pathways (also known as meridians) that connect various organs and systems throughout the body. Each tooth is linked to a specific meridian, and disruptions or diseases affecting a particular tooth may be connected to imbalances in the corresponding meridian and the associated organs.

How does the chart work?

a. The chart is based on the idea that the human body is an interconnected system of energy channels (meridians), linking each tooth with a specific meridian, organ and body system. For example, the upper and lower incisors are connected to the kidneys and bladder. If there is a concern with a tooth (such as a cavity, infection or root canal), you may be able to tie it to a concern elsewhere in the body, and vice versa.

Who developed the chart?

a. While the concept behind this chart is rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, it was Dr. Voll that popularized the idea. He was a German Physician who integrated acupuncture principles into dentistry.

What are the potential health issues associated with specific teeth according to the chart?

a. To give you an example of how this may look, let’s start with the upper incisors (teeth). They are connected to the kidneys and bladder. If there is a concern with one of those teeth, you may see a concern with the kidneys or bladder. On the other hand, if you have a concern with the kidneys or bladder, you may see a concern with the connected tooth.

Can issues with a specific tooth affect other parts of the body?

a. Yes, we have seen this with patients, as mentioned above.

What is the relationship between dental meridians and acupuncture?

a. Acupuncture, a key component of TCM, involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points along the body’s meridians to promote the flow of energy, or qi. The chart incorporates principles from acupuncture, based on the idea that disruptions in the energy flow along the meridians connected to specific teeth may lead to imbalances in associated organs.

How do I know if my dental issues align with the meridian chart?

a. We always recommend working with a Biological Dentist to review your personal health concerns and goals. However, if you have an unresolved issue in some area of the body, including a tooth or organ, it’s helpful to see which area of the body it is linked to. This may help you discover a missing piece of your health journey. The effect of a particular tooth effects all the organs and systems on that meridian by creating an interference field or blockage of the flow of energy.

Is there a connection between oral health and overall health, regardless of the dental tooth meridian chart?

a. Yes, absolutely. Oral health is strongly linked to overall health. For example, there is a link between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease, as well as Alzheimer’s disease. Gut health and overall nutrition play a major role in dental health as well. Poor nutrition often leads to more cavities, bone loss, dental infections and gum disease. There is not only a link between teeth and other structures in the body (organs, skeletal structures, etc.) through the meridians but there is also a direct systemic relationship due to the connection to the digestive system, the nervous system, the cardiovascular system, the brain, and the lymphatic system. It is important to address oral health while on a journey of health optimization.

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