Dr. Zachary Reicher
Dr. Zachary Reicher DDS

At five years old, I told my kindergarten teacher I was going to be a singing dentist in Hawaii. Well, one out of three isn’t too bad! While I may not be crooning on the beaches of Oahu, I have still managed to bring a unique approach to my work.

After graduating from the University of Maryland, College Park with a BA in Fine Arts and a BS in Biology, I spent a year at the Maryland Institute College of Art in their jewelry-making department. When visiting a supply store for one of my courses, I made an unexpected discovery that changed my life – Who would have thought that a jewelry supply store also sold dental instruments? At that point, my inner five year old reawakened, and here I am now.

As a dentist and an artist, I bring a unique eye to the field of dentistry. I like to think that I could have made Mona Lisa smile! When I’m not working on masterpieces in people’s mouths, I still return to more traditional artistic mediums. Screen-printing and painting are still my favorites, and my apartment is fully decorated with my work. While my home collection may not be on public view, I’d be happy to make you an original (dental) work of art!

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