tooth extraction near me

Jun 01, 2022

It is a dental procedure involving the permanent removal of a natural tooth. Tooth extraction is a necessary treatment to help preserve your dental health where one or more natural teeth threaten it. Since the essence of dentistry is to preserve natural teeth, Ellicott City dentists only perform tooth extraction on a need basis. Only circumstances that cannot be navigated using other dental protocols necessitate tooth extractions.

When Do You Need Tooth Extraction?

Some of the reasons why your dentist would recommend a tooth extraction procedure are:

  1. Severely decayed tooth – even though tooth decay is a common dental problem, not all decayed teeth are salvageable. Sometimes the severity of the decay is too significant that very little tooth structure remains behind.
  2. Severe tooth pain – toothaches may not be enough ground to call for tooth extraction, but they provide ample reason to explore it as a treatment option. Dentists may recommend tooth extraction as a permanent solution to tooth pain.
  3. Impacted tooth – wisdom tooth extractions in Ellicott City are common due to improper eruption. Since wisdom teeth are the last to erupt at the furthest corners of the mouth, they often have very little space. It causes many problems when they begin to grow improperly, the most common one being impacted teeth. It occurs when the tooth remains stuck underneath the gums, sometimes partially or wholly.
  4. Periodontitis – is a term defining an advanced stage of gum disease. The infection is so severe that it deteriorates the gums and jawbone’s health. Eventually, teeth become shaky and may start falling off on their own. A dentist may recommend tooth extraction as a treatment option for periodontitis.

What Happens During Tooth Extractions?

Removing a natural toothy from the jawbone is not an easy task. The dentist will first administer local anesthesia to numb your mouth, rendering the entire procedure painless. A simple tooth extraction procedure would then entail rocking the tooth back and forth to loosen it from its socket before pulling it out.

However, tooth extractions do not all happen the same way. Sometimes the dentist may have to result in surgery. The process would, in that case, entail cutting open the gum tissue to expose the tooth underneath. Other times, instead of surgery, the dentist will break down a stubborn tooth into small pieces to ease its removal.

Top Remedies Suggested by Dentists for Faster Healing After Extraction

The nature of your tooth extraction procedure will affect your healing and recovery period. Besides, your body’s recovery speed will not be the same as another patient’s. Either way, ensure you take our dentist’s remedies seriously at Julian Center for Comprehensive Dentistry suggests after your extraction procedure. They will make your recovery period more bearable, allowing for speedy healing. Some such tips include:

  1. Keep gauze on the wound – after an extraction procedure, the wound on the site will keep bleeding for a while. Gauzing the area regulates the bleeding, allowing a blood clot to form. The dentist will recommend changing your gauze after every 30-60 minutes. It will help keep your wound free of infection.
  2. Cold compress – icing your cheek on the tooth extraction site will help alleviate any pain and discomfort you experience, especially after numbing wears off. Do it repeatedly for 10-15 minutes with breaks between the applications. Icing should also help the swelling go down.
  3. Eat soft foods only – the last thing you want is to chew on a hard food that will hurt your wound, develop another wound spot, or aggravate your pain and swelling.
  4. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush – even though healing, you cannot neglect your oral health. Keep your mouth clean to prevent bacteria from infecting the wound. However, your regular toothbrush may be too abrasive and vex the extraction wound. Getting a softer toothbrush will benefit your recovery period.
  5. Rest – resting allows your body to focus on healing instead of dividing attention on other things about your life.
  6. Sip drinks – avoid straws as they introduce dry air into your mouth, leading to dry socket syndrome.


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