Lady happy after braces treatment

Braces: Frequently Asked Questions

Sep 01, 2020

Several factors may push people to get braces. Our dentists compiled this braces FAQ to help you know more about Invisalign services near you and, in doing so, take better care of your oral health.

What is Orthodontic Treatment?

This is a form of treatment given to people that need teeth straightening and bite alignment procedures. Orthodontic specialists offer this treatment.

Why Do I Need Orthodontic Treatment?

Malocclusions are among the many factors that necessitate a visit to your orthodontist. The types of malocclusions include:

  • Underbite: your lower jaw overlaps the upper one.
  • Overbite: your upper jaw extends over the lower one.
  • Crossbite: Your upper teeth fit inside your lower teeth
  • Crowding: Too little space for teeth to erupt
  • Spacing: Too much spacing between the teeth

Crowding and spacing issues are the top reasons for most orthodontic visits. Your dentist will notice alignment issues during the routine exams, and if the problem is severe, you will be referred to an orthodontist who will give you a customized treatment plan.

What Are Braces?

These are devices used by orthodontists to correct crooked or crowded teeth or bad bites. Adolescents commonly use bracelets. Nowadays, more adults are using them.

What are the Types of Braces Available?

The orthodontist will recommend different types of braces depending on the age and nature of your bite. Here are the types of braces:

  • Metal braces: They consist of metal brackets, each of which is glued to your teeth.
  • Ceramic/clear braces
  • Lingual braces: These are placed behind the teeth
  • Invisible braces: You can take them off and put them back on.

How do Braces Work?

Braces work by exerting pressure on your teeth for a long time. With time, your jaw’s shape will gradually adapt to conform to the pressure.

When Should I Get Braces?

Usually, orthodontic treatment begins when a child has shed of most of their milk teeth and has begun developing permanent teeth. Mainly at the age of 8-14.

How Will I Know I Need Braces?

The signs can vary depending on your overall health and age. In most adults, these are the common symptoms to look out for:

  • Crowded or visibly crooked teeth
  • Experiencing difficulty during brushing and losing around your crooked teeth
  • Frequent biting of your tongue with your teeth
  • Failure of your teeth to properly close over each other when the mouth is in a resting position
  • Difficulties in pronouncing some sounds because of the position of the tongue under the teeth
  • Clicking jaws
  • Fatigue or stress on the jawline after you have chewed food

How will I know my Child needs Braces?

When it comes to children, it might prove hard to tell. However, if you notice crowded or crooked teeth, it is an indication they may require braces later in their lives. Other signs to look out for include:

  • Thumb-sucking
  • Losing milk teeth late or early
  • Clicking jaws
  • Accidental tongue biting

Do I have Alternatives?

Ceramic braces, metal braces, and Invisalign are the common treatment options for crooked teeth. If you are not willing to walk this path, perhaps you can opt for the teeth straightening surgery. The procedure can be minor to change the alignment of teeth in your mouth or major where there is a surgical realignment of your jaw to accommodate chewing and speaking better.

What Should I eat when I Get Braces?

If you ask someone with braces what the hardest part about the whole thing was, most of them will probably say it was giving up their favorite foods.

The procedure of getting braces fixed in itself isn’t painful, but in the days that may follow, you will experience some sensitivity in the mouth. Because of this, rough-textured foods should be avoided as they may cause you pain. After getting braces, you will have to adopt a different manner of chewing. Your dentist will recommend some soft foods to get you started:

  • Soups
  • Yogurt
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Oatmeal
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Seafood
  • Grains
  • Soft cheeses
  • Soft fruits
  • Soft vegetables
  • Pasta
  • Moist deserts

What Foods should I avoid

Immediately after getting braces, you shouldn’t consume the following foods as they may cause irritations in your mouth and increase sensitivity:

  • Ice-cream
  • Bread or thick rolls
  • Citrus fruits
  • Spicy foods

What Foods Should I Completely Avoid

As long as you are wearing braces, you should avoid hard and sticky foods that may damage the bands or wires or separate the tooth from its bracket. These foods are:

  • Popcorn
  • Nuts
  • Ice
  • Chewing gum
  • Pizza crust
  • Chips
  • pretzels
  • chewy candy
  • hard crackers

Finding the Right Dentist

If you are looking for braces and Invisalign services, visit us at Julian Centre for Comprehensive Dentistry. Come to our Ellicott City dental care center and meet our dentist in Ellicott City.

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